The new year has brought extreme cold and snow to Boston, but Airfox engineers are bundled up and chained to their laptops! The engineering team is extremely focused on our Q1 launch of our financial Android app for underbanked consumers in Brazil.
We have hired Bachoo Design to update our Android UX, which is being finalized now. The new design is focused on clean and straightforward patterns that perform well on less-powerful smartphones common in emerging markets.
Our Android codebase has been reworked and modernized, including extensive use of Kotlin, RXJava, Conductor, and dependency injection to make development and automated testing as efficient and powerful as possible.
Our backend has been migrated to full container-based microservices architecture with Kubernetes enabling easy deployments, scaling, and monitoring.
Our business development team has closed several partnerships, giving us access to various banking and payments API’s which are being integrated for our V1 launch.
We plan on releasing the first version of the AirToken dApp along with the Android app. Users can choose to run the dApp on their own Ethereum nodes, or access a hosted version on Airfox infrastructure. This includes new smart contracts deployed to the Ethereum mainnet that integrate with the AirToken ERC20 contract. The AirToken dApp and all smart contracts will be open-source and released on the AirToken github.
By the end of Q1, all AirToken holders will be able to use the dApp to send AirTokens directly to users of the Android app, which they can later redeem for airtime, data, and other integrated services including utility bills and transportation. Additionally, the dApp will allow sending airtime and mobile data directly to both feature phones and smartphones (iOS and Android), regardless of whether they are users of the Android app.
We thank the AirToken community for their continued support, and we look forward to showing the world what Airfox engineers are capable of building. Stay warm!